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icon_widget_image Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 4:30pm icon_widget_image 14 Carter St, Lidcombe NSW 2141, Australia icon_widget_image + (02) 9737 8484 icon_widget_image service@garde.com.au careers@garde.com.au
Explore Garde

We deliver high quality projects

Garde is Australia’s leader in the installation of underground high voltage electricity cables. Focused on civil construction, we are a specialist supplier to the electrical construction industry. We support the installation, maintenance and protection of high voltage underground electricity cables and assets.

Trenching & Cable

Our experience includes cable laying in trenches along roadways, either through open trenches or through conduits.

Project Management

We deliver projects on time, to budget and to the quality standards expected by our clients.


Our sites include central business district and city areas, where vast networks of ducts and vaults exist, are our specialty.

Traffic Management

We provide the highest standard when it comes to traffic management and people safety.



Community Liaison

Stakeholders play a vital role in any project’s outcome – our community is one of the key stakeholders in our business and cannot be ignored at any cost. As a responsible community member, we understand the importance of community liaison and its requirements. To ensure we address any community concerns, Garde has implemented a community liaison strategy, whereby all comments from residents are recorded, reviewed and actioned in a timely manner.

Our Clients




We are always working on some projects.


Our happy


We always meet the client's requirements.




We have a wide range of completed projects.