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icon_widget_image Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 7am - 4:30pm icon_widget_image 14 Carter St, Lidcombe NSW 2141, Australia icon_widget_image + (02) 9737 8484 icon_widget_image service@garde.com.au careers@garde.com.au
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11Kv Feeder Project – Nepean Business Park

11Kv Feeder Project – Nepean Business Park

Garde has been awarded the Endeavour Energy relocation works on the Sydney Metro Western Exciting news! The 11kV Feeder Project has kicked off at Nepean Business Park.

Here are the key details:

  1. Conduit installation: 2km of new duct bank will be installed to connect Nepean Business Park and the Cranebrook Zone Substation.
  2. Cable infrastructure: We will be installing 2km of 11kV 3-core cable, 150m of LV cable and 6x cable joint bays.
  3. Terminations & commissioning: Cable haul & works within Cranebrook Zone Substation, new padmount substation and LV pillars at Nepean Business Park.